Author: animdiversityfund

Introducing our 2022 GDC Scholars

We are excited to announce our GDC Scholars for 2022! GDC Scholars receive an All-Access Pass to GDC, a travel stipend (if attending on-site) or an education stipend (if attending virtually), and a mini-mentorship with a working professional in game animation (or game animation-adjacent field). Without further ado, here are our 2022 GDC Scholarship recipients: […]

Announcing our ADF Mentees!

We are pleased to announce our inaugural cohort of the 2021 Animation Diversity Foundation Mentorship Program. Each mentee will be paired with an industry professional to further develop their skills in game animation and career growth. ADF will support each pair throughout the 6 month long mentorship. And without further ado, here are our recipients! […]

Stop Asian Hate

When horrific events happen, such as the ones that recently occurred in Atlanta, it’s difficult to find the right words.  The Animation Diversity Fund condemns, in the strongest terms, any and all hatred and violence against minority communities, most recently Asian Americans. We mourn with those who lost their loved ones and we will continue […]

Call for Mentees!

We are excited to announce our call for mentees for our newly added Mentor Program! The ADF Mentor Program is a year-round opportunity aimed to provide educational and professional support to under-represented groups in the game development animation community. Selected mentees will be paired with a professional in the industry to help elevate their skills […]

Introducing our new Mentor Program Coordinator!

We are excited to announce Pamela Souza as our Mentor Program Coordinator! A 2019 ADF Scholar, Pam brings experience and knowledge of what our Mentor Program is and can be. She will drive and shape its development into a year-round endeavor to provide continued educational and professional support to under-represented groups in the game development animation community. Pam will […]

ADF Programs during COVID

We’re keeping our mentees safe and looking ahead as events make plans for 2021 and shift to virtual venues. Our GDC Scholarship Program is on hold as we await what decisions are made for GDC 2021. One thing we do know is this: new voices need help more than ever in these turbulent times.