Introducing our 2023 GDC Scholarship Cohort: Charlie Franco

Last month was GDC 2023, and we sent 10 GDC Scholarship recipients to the event. In this post series, we want to highlight our cohort from this year. We’re excited to introduce Charlie Franco, a student animator.

ADF: Congrats Charlie on being part of the 2023 GDC Scholarship cohort! Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am Charlie Franco, a student animator looking for work! I understand that being a strong team member is as important as providing the viewer with amazing animation.

ADF: What was one of the coolest things you learned at GDC?

One of the coolest things I learned at GDC is that the animation industry highly values open communication and that asking questions is encouraged.

You can find more of Charlie’s work at the following places:

You can find the complete list of ADF GDC Scholarship recipients here.