Introducing our 2022 GDC Scholars

We are excited to announce our GDC Scholars for 2022! GDC Scholars receive an All-Access Pass to GDC, a travel stipend (if attending on-site) or an education stipend (if attending virtually), and a mini-mentorship with a working professional in game animation (or game animation-adjacent field).

Without further ado, here are our 2022 GDC Scholarship recipients:

Anna Faryniarz

Ashley Chu

Ashley Chung

Ashley Rosenbaum

Eléna Tchijakoff

Josh Bechtol

Maria Robertson

Morgan Nixon

Rachel Ombok

Rheal Doyle

You can learn more about each of our scholars on our GDC Scholars page.

Congratulations 2022 GDC Scholars, and enjoy GDC!!!