Mentor Program

Mentor Roster

Here is the mentor roster for the 2022 year (with more TBA). We deeply appreciate the donation of time and expertise of all of our mentors! 

We are always on the lookout for industry professionals interested in mentoring. If you would like to mentor, please fill out our Mentor Application.

Brockton Barton

Animator, Hi-Rez

Christine Phelan

Animator, Valve

David Pumpa

Lead Cinematic Animator, Playground Games

Glenn Winters

Virtual Production Supervisor, Rockstar Games

Jeremy Ernst

Director of Technical Art, Riot Games

Katie Better

Senior Animator (Cinematics), Rockstar Games

Taylor Wright

Senior Technical Artist, Aspyr Media

Michelle Hill

Motion Capture Stage Manager, Meta


Nishant Greene

Animator, Visual Concepts (prev. MPC)

Almudena Soria

Former Lead Animator, Naughty Dog


Micah Zahm

Technical Art Lead, EA

Greg Hendrix

Senior Character Technical Artist, Possibility Space

Izzy Cheng

Rigging Technical Artist, Riot Games

Charlotte Roberts

Lead Technical Animator, Hexworks

Michael Howard

Advanced Technical Artist, Hi-Rez Studios

Jason Shum

Animation Director/Owner, Superseed Studios

Richard Katz

Principal Technical Artist, Respawn Entertainment

Lina Halper

Principal Animation Engineer, Nvidia

Aura Triolo

Animation Lead, Ivy Road